Debbie Mans, TWENTYTWENTY Public Affairs

Debbie Mans
Partner, TWENTYTWENTY public affairs 

Debbie is a seasoned environmental policy maker and local elected official, with expertise in public participation, strategic communications, and community engagement.  She has extensive experience working on clean water, climate change, environmental justice and renewable energy issues.  Prior to forming TWENTYTWENTY public affairs in 2020, she was the Deputy Commissioner at the NJ Department of Environmental Protection, responsible for providing strategic direction on the Department’s renewable energy, environmental justice, climate change and state planning initiative, and representing the Department in public forums, press events and before various stakeholders.  She was also the Baykeeper and Executive Director of NY/NJ Baykeeper, a leading environmental non-profit organization protecting the NY Harbor Estuary.  Prior to her work at Baykeeper, Debbie was the Environmental & Policy Advisor for NJ Governor Jon S. Corzine 

Debbie holds certifications from the International Association for Public Participation in Foundations in Public Participation, Planning for Effective Public Participation and Techniques for Effective Public Participation.  She also has a Alumni M-Pact DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) Certificate from the University of Michigan.