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MORRISTOWN, NJ | May 28-29, 2025

NJUA's 2025 Annual Conference

Revolutionizing Our industry - Join top industry leaders and key decision makers at the annual New Jersey Utilities Association conference. This year, our conference will be in downtown Morristown, and will be filled with engaging and informative speakers who have the latest information about the ever-changing utilities industry, Don't miss a moment!

NJUA is the statewide trade association for investor-owned utilities that provide essential water, wastewater, electric, natural gas and telecommunications services to New Jersey residents and businesses. NJUA has provided a forum for the exchange of ideas and a unified voice in public policy since 1915.

NJUA’s 13 member utility companies are dedicated to the delivery of essential services to nearly 7 million residential customer accounts and 1 million non-residential customer accounts across the Garden State. Most of our companies have been in existence serving customers for more than 100 years. Not only do New Jersey’s utility companies help to maintain the well-being of the State and provide services that support the State’s quality of life, but also, they are a driving force behind New Jersey’s economy.

NJUA member companies touch the lives of every person who lives or works in New Jersey. Because of the services provided by NJUA utility company members, people can read when it’s dark; heat and cool their homes, schools and businesses; enjoy clean water; preserve and prepare food; and communicate rapidly and regularly with friends, family and colleagues.

NJUA's Conference Highlights

  • Award Winners
  • Educational Sessions
  • Scholarship Winners

What the Water Community Is Saying About NJUA

Revolutionizing Our industry - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequat.