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2025 NJUA Golf Outing

You don’t want to miss NJUA’s annual golf event, to be held at Spring Brook Country Club on May 29. This world-class course is less than two miles from the hotel; about a six-minute drive.

The golf club, at 9 Spring Brook Road, was established in 1921. It is a family oriented, private club dedicated to providing an outstanding golf course in a welcoming, friendly atmosphere while preserving the rich history of the club.

It will be a scramble format on the 18-hold course.

Fees are $375 per golfer and $1,500 per foursome. You can learn more at

Golf Outing Prices


NJUA Conference Registration Options and Fees 

Register early to receive the best rate. Registration rates will increase after
11:59pm ET on April 3, 2025. 

2025 NJUA Conference Cancellation Policy: 

NJUA must receive cancellations in writing. Phone cancellations are not accepted. All cancellations dated on or before April 3, 2025 deadline will receive a refund, minus a 25% administrative fee. After April 3, 2025, cancellations will not be refunded; however, substitute registrants are welcome. Email requests for substitutions or cancellations to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Information Release, Conference Policies, and Code of Conduct:

By registering for an NJUA event or program, attendees agree to abide by the Conference Policies. As part of your event registration personal contact data such as name, address, and email were collected and may be used by NJUA and approved third parties. The New Jersey Utilities Association (NJUA) Privacy Policy outlines its commitment to protecting user privacy, including compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Visit for additional information. NJUA will take appropriate measures to ensure the security of its information systems and the data collected during the event and expects all participants to use NJUA’s digital resources responsibly and in accordance with applicable policies. As a reminder, by allowing your badge to be scanned for lead retrieval, you are providing your full contact information (address, email, phone, etc.) to the exhibitors.